3D Essentials


Diamond Ring

-The object type is Ngon. 

-18 sides

-Convert to editable poly and choose vertex
-Highlight the lower and collapse it

-Click polygon and extrude two times.

-Then lower the uniform scale

-Click snap toggle at the toolbar
-Choose grid points and vertex 

-Select edge and cut like the upper

-Select polygon and delete it.

-Select border and click cap

-Select vertex and adjust a little bit

-Select edge and highlight the bottom of the diamond
-And connect it 

-Cut again

-Select polygon and delete.
-Select border and cap it

-Do it again at other polygon

-Select vertex and collapse

-Press m 
-Choose dark red of the material 

-Create new object 'tube' as the ring
-Convert to editable poly
-Select certain polygon and decrease the uniform scale

-Choose the material 'metal'of the ring

Final Character


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