Advanced 3D Studio

MAYA 2016


-Create polygon
-Extrude > Scale

- Mesh Tool > Insert Edge Loop.
-Press 3 for smooth result.

- Create polygon pipe
-Lower the thickness of the pipe
-Delete the half of polygon


- Mesh Tool > Insert Edge Loop.
-Face(right click) > Extrude

-Delete faces
-Edit Mesh > Merge vertex

-Object mode (right click)
-Mesh > Fill Hole

- Mesh Tool > Insert Edge Loop.
-Press 3 (smooth)

- Create square polygon
- Mesh Tool > Insert Edge Loop

-Press 3 (smooth)
-Duplicate (Ctrl+D)

- Create polygon torus
-Delete the half of polygon
- Smooth it (press 3)

-Create new plane

-Extrude and scale

-Grouping door frame and door plane

-As u can see the pivot doesn't at center of the group object
-Go to modify > center pivot

-Duplicate the door (Ctrl+D)
-Scale it like a window

-Create square and scale it as a middle window bar

-Duplicate as shown
-Scale it under the window 

- Mesh Tool > Insert Edge Loop
-Mesh Tools > Slide Edge 
- Middle click and slide

-Duplicate (Ctrl+D) window
-Rotate 90

-Duplicate again
-Put it on the other side

-Duplicate the base of the house
-Delete some edge

-Select faces
-Edit Mesh > Duplicate Faces

-Edit > Delete by type > History
-Delete that we don't need
-Place it on the house

-Scale and extrude

-Add edge loop

-Duplicate house base
-Duplicate mirror

-Create cube
-Add edge loop and smooth it
-Duplicate and scale in different shape

-Create a roof tile
-Duplicate and arrange it in the row

-Create a plane on the top of the roof
-Smooth it

-Windows > Rendering Editors > Hypershade

Squash And Stretch (Squirrel)

Walk Cycle

Happy Walk Cycle

Sad Walk Cycle 

Motion Path (Airplane)

- Create > Curve Tools > Bezier Curve Tools

- Constrain > Motion Paths > Attach To Motion Paths

Blend Shape

Blend Shape (Face)

Final (Group Assignment)

Final Video

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